

soongsil university / the Global School of Media

2017 Spring
On Design : Design for New Media

general issues: 

there will be a reading assignment.

questions: every class there will be questions on the previous class.


Project 2 in detail: Research on Problems in Designing New ‘SAVE’ Icons

1. User’s problems (10 problems including technological, psychological, physical, etc.)

2. Designer’s problems (10 problems including technological, financial, integrational, etc.)

3. 3 pages pdf. You should include short explanations on each problems, and you can include images if you need them.

4. Due Date: June 13th, Tuesday 3pm,

5. Format: “student number-name.pdf”



attendance is mandatory. four or more absences will result in no grade.  


grading: relative grading will be applied

  • attendance will be applied to the grade flexibly : over 30%
  • questions and answers : additives